My Story How I became Overboard Creations [cut and create design site]

Lives can be changed New Beginnings Can Happen

If your only willing to take the first step

Craft Subject:  I Love the Art of Paper Crafting, and this was just the place of subject that I wanted to focus on. But How did I get my Name for the Website. All things have a beginning. So here's how I got my Name

Overboard: from the movie of a beautiful heiress and a hired carpenter, she gets amnesia. the Carpenter Looking for a little revenge, he convinces her that she's his wife. Then she finds the truth, but love has already gained rhythm in the relationship and the 5 children fall in love with the heiress as MOM, Even the Carpenter is captivated by her attention to his house and household become utterly in Love. Ending got me the most. What could I ever possibly give you that you don't already Have. [little girl] How precious was that moment.
 Your Are Here

The butterfly Icon & Creations: Creations is to represents All things created beautiful and become New again. What better way to describe the New, is with the featured Butterfly Icon, this is also way to describe my life. God has been gracious to give [myself] people a chance to change there lives, Now matter how bad a life may seem. You can change it around, If we are willing to want to change. I made that choice in my life. I give my credits to my sovereign God who art in heaven, Hollow be his name. his kingdom come, his will be done. on earth as it is in Heaven.

My Challenge Me Monday Post 

To Add Creativity to my life 

Love to Have others Inspire Me too!

Created Then we added another site to House all the Types of Cards sketches and Work In Progress Projects the Cards that will be created . Also this was a good place to organize the items for more items to add and focus. Using this site.
Here We Feature our A to Z Cards. LOOKING FOR Entry's  

A collection other Card Designer Fans [WIP]
Entry Form here to participate in our
 Enter a Butterfly Card design
 pic tutorial and get you web page linked 
Butterflies are Many types and colors and I like to catch you in my Net.
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Grab a Button & Title it Featured on{A to Z Card}

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See Your Created Creations on the 
The Butterfly card you created  hosted on this site will participate
in Blog Parties. when all entries card designs are fulfilled

Sketches are provided and found included in the directory A to Z card designs. Your designs will feature on the A to Z list and you can build the butterfly card from this choice sketches list.

If you like you can click the A to Z cards above, 
you will be able to see the Work In Progress site of overboard created creations.
We will also develop Other Offer will be some freebies SVG's and free downloads.

Your are Invited to Make a Card and Get linked

Click the Banner for A to Z Cards

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