Blogging Strategy:
Keeping it all together is a task, with a full time job as well. So the first thing any blogger should do is set up a strategy. Of course, every time you visit your linky parties and post your blog you are dealing with all the comments and social media so your need to set a time limit that works best for you.
Also when gather your information, Keep a List of things you like to accomplish . I also have great categories such as articles to write with photos and article written. amongst other folders.
I like to accomplish, more than I probably can do. Organization comes in handy. This is why I wanted to set some time aside to accomplish this. I can't say I am the best writer. But, a gift I do have is organization. I love A to Z filing systems and enjoy that computers have folders to help in the organizational skills that I so love. I even used the graph a little to give each site it's own personal day. This way I can enjoy all the things I Love.
Well, if you have seen some of my other post. you would know I got a lot of sites going on and if you like to know all the links and more in depth details I got the site finally completed and what a great list of things to do and visit. Finish reading before you skip over to more about each website and me.
Planning my Week:
This is how I planned my week, what I love about me is I can look at a picture and put it together without reading the instructions. This is why I planned my calendar to do things with some iconic icons to help me schedule daily activity. I also post this as my wallpaper on my desk top to keep me on the right track and be a good productive. Still like to leave myself time to work on the blogging, with some motivators for activity that will keep me exercising, dieting, and planning for weekly chores. You can not have a blog and neglect your personal life. Or, you will be great at one thing and a failure at others. Keep yourself in check. You still have to leave yourself some learning time as well. Computers upgrade faster than I can afford to keep up with. even my afternoon of looking for a cord to get my robo crafter up and running again. We have been in our apartment and time that it takes to get it all in order is past due. Do here's the mess I had to deal with to find my Robo Craft missing cord.

I had to do an ugly chore (untangle wires)
Now to untangle this mess, I got my tools together and plastic baggies and zip ties, and I also had to add a little box for the router set, which comes with four wires and to box units that work together.
To untangle the best suggestion I can tell you is start with the larger wires. Much easier to get the T.V. cords out first then work until you get to the very last item. I matched up cords with the phones and combined them in the baggies. After a tidiest two hours of getting things organized. Who-hoo I found the Robo Craft cord, and got a very over due mess cleaned up. Hare's how it finally cane out.
Now the Robo Craft is up and running and I was able to get back on track to making my cards. Completing my first love of
Card making is back up and running. Let, me tell you I love to organize,
After hours of studying about glues, paper, sizes , sketches, parties. I had to make some kind of heads or tails out of it. So what better way is to share all the things I am learning.
Now, I have to show you my task chart. I set it up Weekly and have room to edit. I got at least all my listed cards up. and now back to working on my sketches and a cards pic tutorials.
Overboard Created Creations. Also it gives me time to make them and show your what I have learn as well. Hope you visit
Now back to planning my blogging strategy:
Now , Comments and Social media is important for a daily task if you are like myself and enjoy the linky parties (
directory here) So, I charted a daily project task planner to help guide me through all my daily activities to not only spend time and learn, but also push myself to write. I couldn't write lengthy articles. So, I choose to make articles like these. Picture tutorial and next I have to find time to learn to make better YouTube videos. I have dabbled a little, not so good yet. If you want to have a laugh. Head over and give me a comment encouragement. With my plate full, I will have to put the effort forward, using this as a article for one of my daily projects. The lovely thing about blogging. you can gather information, and only when the heart is flowing with ideas. Grab the train and go for it's scenic ride. Through your folders of ideas and grab one of your photo and run with it. See where it takes you.
I reward myself with praise:
Just so you know. Today I feel I got so much accomplished, I Even took a dip in the pool. Crazy hot today. It was well needed after two hours of sorting wires. I did not wake up with that on my mind. But, I am so happy my Robo crafts is back to working again. I got so energized I made a easel card with some of my scented miniature flowers. That have been stored for over a year. If anything, I will give myself a pat for achieving so much today. I been struggling with my leukemia and it accompanies with fatigue and hard to get things done. With this new Calendar planned out for my projects, to help me keep focused. Then placed as wallpaper on my desk top. I am good to go now, to set this in motion for a bit of a reminder to put time limits and upkeep.
Thanks for visiting, and enjoying the wonderful things I learned and want to share with you. That's what's wonderful about comments and social media you can say you where here and your opinion about what you find interest and if you do find it interesting. Pin it. share it , or Love it. So, much you can do.